Size of clock weights.

by Rodney (Rod) Coenen
(Appleton Wisconsin USA)

I am restoring a Jerome 8 day time and strike OG wall clock. The weights are missing. The height of the case is 30" outside, pulleys are pinned at center of the board forming top of the case. The fall is therefore 30" minus the +/- 6" length of the weight, hook and pulley, or approximately 24".

What are the correct weight sizes? I read that there is a variation between time and strile. The alarm has its own spring for the bell strike but is triggered by a force on the time side. The motion will be completely disassembled, cleaned and corrected including pivots, pivot holes and allignments.

Any comments about buying lead locally and making these weights?

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OGEE Weights
by: Bill

Hi Rodney,

If the clock is an 8-day, the weights are rectangular and should weigh about 4.5 lbs.

If it's 30 hour they are cylindrical and weigh about 3.5 lbs.

Some clocks have the same weight on both sides and some are slightly different. Try the same weight first, it should work. If it strikes too fast lower the strike weight. If it strikes too slow, raise it.

You could probably make the weights, but it is possible to buy them either on eBay or at

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